As we discussed many times, the chief priority for you in 2015 was A, and we ended up delaying the B in order to focus on A. In the end, both A and B were completedly late in the process, without a full
write up of either one. The analyses also fell short of the original goal of .... More generally, you were able to do the technical part of the analysis, but I still had to take most of the lead in designing the method, identifying the data,
ensuring the quality control, and push to make sure it was done on time.
這算是在他頭頭麵前把他的責任推得一幹二淨嗎? 我的確要擔責任,但是他也脫不了幹係。比如說,我經常跟他講要不要focus on big picture, 現在不需要把細節的東西弄得太好,等有空了再來弄,先確保我們能夠deliver大的東西。他不聽,非覺得以後再回來弄要浪費更多時間,現在一起先弄弄好。現在到好,miss deadline了,什麽都交不出去,在他頭頭麵前嫌我做慢, 你不在那裏指手畫腳,非要我按你一拍腦門出來的想法做,我不至於這麽慢。