why it is so hard to find the right candidate!

Sorry can't type in Chinese here.

Started two months ago, posted a entry level Ph.D position, and received a couple of resumes, screened a bunch.  Finally got two came in for interview.  From phone screen and resumes, looks perfect.  One is too "fresh", another one has great technical skills, but not able to explain himself well.  The position needs solid techinical background plus serves a SME for internal teams.  Neither is fit!  And this is a LC-MS job in an established pharm company, you would think, there will be a lot of applicants that are over-qualified.  But no! 

By the way, anyone interested, can contact me via message. It is still open!


期待值太高。 達到你們要求的,估計要有10年以上industrial experiences。 多給點錢,肯定有很多合格的來應聘 -lucky_rain- 給 lucky_rain 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/20/2015 postreply 08:59:44

10年也未必,真正的大拿在他們麵前,估計也是很難對其胃口滴! -拉兄弟一把- 給 拉兄弟一把 發送悄悄話 (155 bytes) () 05/20/2015 postreply 09:25:12

在大公司會做人很重要。 -lucky_rain- 給 lucky_rain 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/20/2015 postreply 09:40:10

完全同意! -拉兄弟一把- 給 拉兄弟一把 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/20/2015 postreply 09:48:23

你從哪裏抄來的 Job Description? -happycow222- 給 happycow222 發送悄悄話 (85 bytes) () 05/20/2015 postreply 10:58:46

抓住主要的忽略次要的,你不是也不可能找一個完人。如果這個職位技術重要 -arcsigh- 給 arcsigh 發送悄悄話 (216 bytes) () 05/20/2015 postreply 11:25:51

第二個蠻好的, 嘴皮子可以自己補上。太挑了。 -Manymore- 給 Manymore 發送悄悄話 Manymore 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/20/2015 postreply 19:57:04

Where is this job located? My coworker's wife with Ph.D in Chemi -Happymouse- 給 Happymouse 發送悄悄話 (94 bytes) () 05/25/2015 postreply 14:33:02
