服務性行業的 薪資+小費 和底薪的關係

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樓下的討論, 簡直無法看.  周,方和國外的評論都隻對了(小)部分
讀讀Federal是如何規定的, 省去許多無謂爭論

"An employer of a tipped employee is only required to pay $2.13 an hour in direct wages if that amount plus the tips received equals at least the federal minimum wage, the employee retains all tips and the employee customarily and regularly receives more than $30 a month in tips.
Some states have minimum wage laws specific to tipped employees. When an employee is subject to both the federal and state wage laws, the employee is entitled to the provisions which provides the greater benefits.
就是說, 雇主可以付很低的工薪 ($2.13/hr), 但是和小費加起來, 不能低於聯邦政府的最低工資 $7.25.
如果州法有自己的底薪規定, 比如華盛頓州 $9.25, 哥倫比亞地區$9.5, 雇主必須得滿足.
就是說, 隻有在 $2.13+小費> 州最底薪, 雇主才可以付 $2.13
所以無論是收不收小費, 這個聯邦和州的底薪都有保障的.
