Do not think so. Much much more indian children go to that path and they already pretty strong in the medical field. The problem for Chinese parents is that they always dream their children are genius, and can be the next Gates, JOBS, etc. The chance to be one of them is really really low, otherwise, there will be no Gates, Jobs in the world. The indian families take very practical ways in training their children. A indian kid already know what kind of doctor he/she wants to be when they are only 9 year old; at this age, our chinese parents are still dreaming to push their children to be Gates. Eventually, like IT industry, indian will be dominant in the medical school.
華人第二代大多一窩風上醫學院做醫生 really?
• 真的不少,超過一半以上奔著上醫學院做醫生的 -sldd- ♀ (0 bytes) () 09/09/2014 postreply 10:47:19
• not true around me; -Smart- ♂ (40 bytes) () 09/09/2014 postreply 11:44:30
• 這裏不隻是華人第二代,小白也是如此,在一遊泳隊裏8個2014之中有3個去讀 premed了 -sldd- ♀ (0 bytes) () 09/09/2014 postreply 12:06:02
• 小白看著小中和小印在老中和老印的指導帶領下都衝馬尼去了能不急嗎? -arcsigh- ♀ (153 bytes) () 09/09/2014 postreply 12:23:18
• 這裏老白醫生占大部份,應該是老印和老中看著老白小白而指導小印小中一窩蜂衝去的 -sldd- ♀ (0 bytes) () 09/09/2014 postreply 12:42:19