這樣說無害。“I am currently making ....for the responsibilities of ...

回答: 還有一個問題ytwadk2014-05-02 13:05:09

然後安靜地等待對方的回答。 得到答案後,如果低於現有工資,“what is the best offer that you can give?" 如果回答仍舊低於預期,但是你有意願接受,然後說,"let me think about this. Considering other factors such as state and city taxes.... I do not think it is that bad."   總之你要讓自己主動。大多時薪水是可以協商的,很正常,不協商反而不正常。同時,雇用方在給第一個offer 時都留有協商餘地。


明白,鞠躬致謝 -ytwadk- 給 ytwadk 發送悄悄話 ytwadk 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/04/2014 postreply 05:17:24
