
回答: 這什麽公司啊?數據分析2014-04-23 14:07:27

對於比較傳統的公司來說,這個是out of line,因為標準政策是“不準要錢”(No solicitation)。However, nothing is for sure。曾經工作的公司是非常傳統的大公司,號稱是隻要在那裏生存過的人 can walk on any land of mines (這句話最好不翻譯,原汁原味最傳神)。俺在該公司還幹過這種事:映川大地震時,率先要求公司捐款,而且請求公司內的一個臭名昭著的主管推動和協調(那個是想給他找麻煩,添堵)  -- 公司沒法,最終好象是以corp的名義捐了十萬,正兒八經從預算裏出的 -- recorded in accounting book 。


Personally I follow the policy of "No Solicitation". However, I would update myself to the current policy of this corp. In general, any solicitation addressed to any single employee should be re-addressed to a corp. office, in my understanding, that is an office in charge of public relations, or community relations.

Nevertheless, today I did not bring my handbook of public relations, therefore I cannot look up for an exact answer, in any case, I would call the attention of a superior office for advice.


Guess what? -- All guys in the office laughed out, and one of them said: "I follow the policy of No Solicitation, although I do request donation".


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