I have a dream that SCA-5 號提案已被否決

Martin Luther King, Jr

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.“

My dear friends,

In my humble opinion, 1/30/2014 marked the darkest day in California’s recent history of politics.  On this day, the California Senate overwhelmingly (27:9) approved SCA-5 (
http://legiscan.com/CA/bill/SCA5/2013), which would repeal provisions of Prop 209 and allow the State of California to discriminate an individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.
In the 18 years that Prop 209 has been in effect, California has become the most diversified and prosperous state in the US.  Since then, comprehensive measures have been introduced to help students from disadvantaged families to obtain high
education, which have my full support.  Currently, Asian-Americans often need test scores hundreds of points higher than applicants from other ethnic group to have an equal chance of admission.  Now SCA-5 seeks to roll back the clock to unfairly punish Asian-Americans simply based on race.  The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution clearly states that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. The SCA-5 is wrong and against the US Constitution.

As a beneficiary of the Prop 209, in just a few years of career life, I have directed works that brought tens of millions of dollars of revenues into California, helped to create/maintain hundreds of jobs benefiting all ethnical groups, with a lot more down the road. However, some day, my children might tell me: “Dad, I lost the opportunity simply because of the color of my skin.”  Not to
mention that a student from a disadvantaged Asian-American family could lose nearly all opportunities to pursue any "American Dream".

Currently, the bill is at the California Assembly.  I hereby urge you to call your representative at the Assembly (
http://assembly.ca.gov/assemblymembers) to vote no on SCA-5.  I will also deeply
appreciate if you could help spreading the words.

 Thanks and best regards,


請上Facebook 支持:https://www.facebook.com/SayNoToSCA5

華人歡慶新年之際,SCA-5 號提案卻給歡樂中的亞裔們澆了一盆冷水:此提案已在1/30/2014 在加州參議院 (State Senate)以 27:9 的絕對多數通過。(http://legiscan.com/CA/bill/SCA5/2013) 下一步即將提交到州眾議院投票。此提案如果在州眾議會(State Assembly)獲得通過,將於今年11月公投。此法案要刪除現有的州憲法中的209號提案(Prop 209)的部分條款,要恢複在加州公立校園中實行以種族等為標準劃界的入學措施。現在加州公立大學的招生中,已經有各種鼓勵貧窮弱勢的家庭的方法。通常,亞裔學生必須要獲得比其他族裔高很多的學術成績,才能獲得相近的入學可能。盡管如此,目前加大(UC)各校亞裔學生比例,仍遠超過加州亞裔人口比例。一旦公投通過,亞裔入學人數勢必受到基於種族的不公正排擠。各級亞裔民意代表與民權團體,應盡速表明反對立場,勿使亞裔子弟成為種族歧視的犧牲品。

美國憲法第14修正案明確規定,任何州都不可以立法拒絕對所有公民的平等保護。SCA-5 是錯誤並違反美國憲法的,是一個赤裸裸的種族歧視的法案。

加州於1996年通過209提案,成為全美第一個州禁止公立大學以種族決定入學,政府也不可以種族為聘用標準。此後,加州發展成為美國最為種族多樣化的州。亞裔為加州和美國的發展做出了至關重要的貢獻,為加州帶來數以億萬計的收入,給加州的各族裔帶來了數以百千萬計的工作機會。但是,盡管我們做出了巨大貢獻,SCA-5 仍然將使我們的後代麵臨僅僅因為膚色而失去機會的危險。受傷最深的,將是貧寒的亞裔家庭,幾乎所有的“美國夢”都將對他們關閉,僅僅因為他們的膚色。

目前,加州眾議院的80席中,有55席民主黨,25席共和黨。對這個法案的支持,黨派分明:民主黨同意而共和黨反對。通過這個法案,需要54票。我們隻需要保證 2 個以上民主黨議員勇敢地站出來,投票反對,我們就可以讓法案胎死腹中。

**現在我們可以做的是寫信給代表我們選區的加州眾議員,去他們的網站給他們寫 Email,請他們反對 SCA-5
http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/;  http://assembly.ca.gov/assemblymembers

第49區(Monterey Park , Arcadia附近地區) Ed Chau (周本立)
1255 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 306, Monterery Park, CA 91754;
(323) 264-4949    http://asmdc.org/members/a49/
第28區(Cupertino附近地區) Paul Fong(方文忠)
2105 South Bascom Avenue, Suite 160, Campbell, CA 95008;
(408) 371-2802     http://www.asmdc.org/members/a28/
第24區(Los Altos附近地區) Rich Gordon
5050 El Camino Real, Suite 117, Los Altos, CA 94022;
(650) 691-2121   http://www.asmdc.org/members/a24/
第16區(San Ramon附近地區) Joan Buchanan
2694 Bishop Dr., Suite 275, San Ramon, CA 94583;
(925) 328-1515   http://www.asmdc.org/members/a16/
第22區(San Mateo附近地區) Kevin Mullin
1528 South El Camino Real, Suite 302, San Mateo, CA 94022;
(650) 349-2200
第4區(Woodland附近地區) Mariko Yamada
725 Main Street, Suite 206, Woodland, CA 95695;
(530) 662-7867   http://www.asmdc.org/members/a04/?


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