On this side of Pacific ocean, the 1st thing is always get your job done.
2nd, don't take things personal, at least try not to. Your counterpart in China may not mean any harm to you. It is possible she is just too Chinese in the uncultured way. Be a little forgiving is not a bad thing.
3rd, write everything in English, make your tone very professional, and cc all relevant parties whenever possible. Write in English so you can easily show your bosses what is going on without any translation. CC everyone so she can't take your credit or use you as scape goat for her mistakes. When you have a bigger audience in a email thread, it is easier to scare her into behaving more professionally too.
Stay focus on your job first.
agree with you on all points
(148 bytes)
10/07/2013 postreply
being forgiving, that is
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10/08/2013 postreply