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Bill Clinton在今年的Clinton Global 峰會說過 "Success is not about how much money you are making, not about how fancy your job title is, rather it's about how much impact you have on the global community and how many people you have helped along the way".


   -〉 希望大家幫忙分享. 因為我們這代millenials也是可以對社會產生影響力的,而social media是最方便、快捷、cost effective的途徑。the more people share this article, the more impact we can have, the more youngins we can empower. together we can make a difference, together we can start a revolution

  ->  This article is still a prototype. 很多viewpoint 有一定的局限性,歡迎大家在comment裏留言框裏提建議。我會定期更新這個document




1.    Go to school’s career fair, be prepared.  Conduct research ahead of time specifically for the companies you are really interested in.  For the rest of companies, at least go to their website and know what they do.

2.  You can go to CareerCenter ahead of time to get the brochure (contains all the attending companies information and where each company’s booth is=> you can plan out your route ahead)  This is very helpful because it saves you time(instead of getting the brochure and locate the employers when you arrive)

3.  You can also go to other school’s career fair.

You just have to say that one of the recruiters wanted to meet you and that he/she said you can come in. You'll have to find out the recruiters for that school for the company you're looking at. If anything, just sneak in or ask a student there if they can help you get in – a lot of people are willing to help.

4.  Dress to impress, (have something that would let them remember you), it could be your nice necklace, could be your smile, or fancy hair



1.  Utilize other school career center job search engine as well.  (borrow your friend’s account and password)

2.  Consider certain type of certificates, looks good on your resume ( Excel is always a good way to go, ToastMaster Competente Certificate is good too-> check out Hear the Turtle Club on campus, meeting every Friday 2-3 pm at St.marys)

3.  Timing is important. you must plan out and figure out when your employers hire

4. always revise your resume based on the job description,  i revise my resume for each job I apply for

  for example, if a company is looking for a consultant who has good organizational skill, leadership skill, and excel skill,  i will make sure to include these in there.

also, a lot of companies use computer software to screen out applicants based on keywords.

Thus, a way to overcome this: copy and paste the job description into this link (http://www.wordcounter.com/) and find out what keywords show up the most.  Make sure to substitute or add these keywords in your resume

5.In cover letter, disclose that im willing to relocate,  my availability, specific thing that im interested in that company

6. Don’t spend too much time applying on websites like monster.com, focus on using school’s database -> a rule of thumb (spend 70% time using school’s database and reach out to personal network(less competition), and 30% to apply online on company websites or monster.com alike)

7. 不完全符合要求的職位也可以投.

New college graduate has advantage too. We have energy, 另外還有一個原因也是沒人說但是我感受到的,就是有經驗的人容易跳槽,呆的年限不夠長,一旦公司效益不好之類就會跳出去。但是New grad 一般招進去呆的時間比較長,一般學習都要一定時間,再加上綠卡排期的限製,一般四五年都不會跳槽。

8.   About resume: 摘抄

“我剛開始的簡曆也是把做的比較複雜的project放前麵,麵試了幾輪發現,根本沒有人問起過這個project,麵試時他們看我的簡曆,看到這個不熟悉的project就直接跳過了。從此我把果斷把不相關project全部刪去,拿到的麵試反而多了不少。要知道,簡曆被鋸掉最常見和最常見的原因,絕對不是背景不夠強,而是沒有那麽match!match本身就是最重要的砝碼,與其用其他含金量高但不那麽match的project,不如把match做到極致。有沒有internship,沒關係,那隻是個形式,他們都知道intern也就是那麽回事,重要的還是你的做過什麽、做過多少和他們工作相關的東西.簡曆的目的並不隻是獲得interview,而是interview的重要組成部分!簡曆在interview中的作用最好能做到:簡曆上的每一句話都有人問起過,每一個project都會有人感興趣。以這一點作為準則,無論是對簡曆本身還是對interview都是很好的幫助。interview其實是改簡曆最重要的feedback.麵試官喜歡問哪些方麵,對project中的什麽東西最感興趣,這些其實是變相告訴你,他們最喜歡最感興趣的就是這些東西,回去之後根據這些feedback改簡曆,會非常的有用。比如說根本沒人問過的project就可以直接刪除了,被多人詳細問過的project就可以再多寫寫細節,對於他們感興趣的關鍵詞可以再多寫點兒。比如說project可以不用一個一個的羅列,而是某一類的project全部放在一起總結。比如招人希望招system level的,那我就可以專列一欄叫做”system level projects”,然後把這一類的projects合並在一起。再比如說design的projects放一起,verification的projects放一起,人家一看對你做過的類別和數量一目了然。說了這麽半天似乎還是太抽象,就舉個簡單例子,可以寫出HR和招聘人希望看到的project/experience小標題,畢竟寫簡曆和寫文章一樣,小標題醒目一點效果會好一些。他們要求什麽description,就把關鍵詞直接作為project/experience的名字,完全可以當答卷來寫。舉個例子,比如說description要求會Verilog/C++/Assembly這三門語言,做過門級設計,並且用過某公司的一個叫做0in的工具。那麽簡曆完全可以這麽來改:

gate level Project:


Verilog/C++ project:


Project using  tool:


9. More about resume and cover letter

“less is more”

“brevity is the soul of wit” - Shakespear

“ you want you content to be EASY for them”

“ less is more”

10. 利用linkedin - 摘抄

“On job application: 投簡曆確實是很花費時間的,每一個職位都要看job description,然後看看簡曆有沒有必要稍微修改下迎合這個職位,然後在官網上一步一步填寫資料,提交。雖然說一個職位一個職位的改簡曆很花費時間,但是看多了job description之後,3~5個version足以應付所有的職位了。如果有人說說覺得能投的位置不多,好像所有的位置都是需要有經驗的……


Why is linked in so important?  


Note: I got my first job offer through a Linkedin Connection!

11. “use two prong appraoch”  find internships and jobs at the same time, whichever comes first!



1. after you get an invitation for interview, congrats! you can follow these strategies below:

  a. find out what type of interviews are they

        i) go to glassdoor.com and search your company

        ii) reach out to recruiter, and find out what type of interviews are they(case, behavioral, mix of both, brain teaser, knowledge, programming test, writing test,etc)

b. research on the company and really understand what they do

     i) research online (google news, company website, glassdoor, hoover)

     ii) reach out to network, current employees(via email, glassdoor, facebook, linkedin) and their products

2. Preparation would make you stand out. 100 questions for behavioral and 500 questions for technical questions as a reference.

3.  Record myself for the interview and listen to it. Video camera, laptop cam, etc.  (i.e. I always put my iphone in the pocket and start recording before I go to an interview. I listen to my interview afterwards and have some professionals listen to it to give me feedbacks)

4.  Reflect back on your experience, Something makes you unique, make sure to talk about it in the interview

      5.You should also communicate and convey the message that you a good understanding of the firm - is particularly important.

answer to why work for us:

Here’s a poor example:

I had a conversation with Sarah Foster, a current case team leader at Bain, at the on campus presentation. I learned a lot from her about consulting and gained a deeper appreciation for the company.

Why is this a poor example? It doesn’t make a point. The interaction was generic, and it feels like a setup to name-drop.

Here’s a good example:

Bain is not only a prestigious firm, but one that really invests in the development of its consultants. My conversations with Sarah Foster, a current case team leader, reinforced my belief that this separates Bain from the other firms, and is my central reason for applying.

6. Send thank you to recruiter as well not only the interviewers

7. Play some odd ball and make you stand out, search about people’s background so that you can relate.  You might want to ask these people’s friend, and try to see what they like/ where they used to leave/hobbies, etc.

8.Thinking you are the best, don’t put too much pressure on you thinking” I have to get this job offer”  instead, think” I  have the best qualifications among other candidates, and I deserve to have this job offer”

9. Sit straight the whole time, speak little louder than your normal volume, let the interviewer feel you are “present”

10. Practice, practice, practice(my friend who got a full time offer at Deloitte consulting told me he started practicing mock interviews freshman year)

11. Go on internet, and search for good keywords that make you sound smart in that industry.  Don’t have the mindset that I need to review everything, or know everything. People perform interview well, and then learn on the job.

12.  try remember all your answers and practice 50 times for these 4 questions

   a. tell me about yourself

   b. walk me through your resume

   c. why work for us

   d. what do you think we do

13. Be flexible. - Advice from Microsoft Recruiter:

"During the first round of interviews, we will consider you for a broad range of roles.  If you’re being interviewed for a position in software development, we’ll evaluate you for all three of our core development roles: Program Manager, Software Developer, and Software Developer in Test.  If you have specific interest in one of these roles, feel free to tell us.  But keep an open mind: Our interviewers are pros when it comes to matching your abilities to the best fit."

James Decker, a Penn State freshman who will intern with us next summer, considered the first-round interview an opportunity to learn about Microsoft. “I was pretty much interested in any experience working on software,” James explained. ”

Personal story:

When I interviewed with Bank Of America Merrill Lynch GWIM group, they asked me “what are you looking for” -> the hiring manager is only looking for Project Managers, and I said I am looking to become a Business Analyst. This interview got awkward and of course I did not get an offer.   Thus, be flexible is so much better. You can say I am looking for a position where I can learn about technology and use my existing skills to contribute.

14.  Be an early riser and keep working out.  (my Bank of America 2nd round interview started  8:30 a.m.)

15.  Pick the perfect time for your interview : 10 am is the best  or afternoon around 3:30 ish ( theory proven, if its too early, people are not awake yet, if its after lunch, people are sleepy)

16.  Share your passion, and be ready to talk about it(Goldman sachs interview asked about my interest, I talked about cloud computing, and one of the interviewer happened to be an expert. He grilled me with 10 questions about cloud computing. As a result, I bombed my interview)

17.  They want to hear the details behind your resume, comfortable describing each details.   If you claim to be proficient in Java, expect to have those language abilities tested.   If your resume said you’re the president of your local ACM chapter, we may ask about your leadership style.

18. always be prepared.  Microsoft interview; My laptop speaker was broken.   Google interview, my laptop has shitty quality and it impacted my google hangout interview.

19.  case interview tip: Ask questions is helpful for me to dissect the different aspects of questions

20.  Do not interrupt when interviewer are talking

21.  Make sure my answer stick with exactly what the interview is looking for

If they ask me how I would explain, explain, If ask me how to build, tell them how I would  build.

22. When it comes to creative open-ended question, be your self and solve problem naturally. Not being too broad. Be specific and mesh your personality in

They are looking for people who have strong problem solving skill, customer service centric, interst in technology,  strong communication skill that would establish confidence in client site,

23.  Executive search guru Bill Simon told me that lack of preparation in order to tell a purposeful and compelling story about themselves is the number one reason why candidates fail to win over prospective employers in job interviews.

24.  Before your next interview, come armed! Not with resume bullets, but with the belief and conviction that the story you tell will hit your listeners’ hearts and stay top of mind long after you’ve left and the plethora of other candidates attempt to sell themselves on the backs of their resumes alone.

25.  Harvard blog tips http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/01/prepare_for_an_interview_by_thinking_like_an.html

26.  Steps:

a. research,

b. general questions practice

c. behavioral questions and answer brainstorm-> you will you need to be prepared to provide detailed responsesincluding specific examples of your work experiences., Emphasize what you can do to benefit the company rather than just what you are interested in

d. extras(key words of the industry this company is in, news of industry, small talk material(very important, specially for big 4 companies)

27.   能對行業和公司有一定的了解和認識,甚至是對hiring manager的背景做足功課,還是很能加分的,畢竟充分的準備能體現你對麵試認真的態度和重視的程度,而體現態度在麵試時候非常重要,誇張一點說可以說是決定性因素之一。

28.  Typical schedule after you got the interview invitation

Day 1: find out what type of interview it is, and Google the company and do some research

Day 2: Take all of the information you have about the company and comprise it in a way that you can use in your interview, especially set questions you'll set aside to ask the interviewer. Also, try not to ask cliché questions like what are the training like?  

[Interviewer's name], what are you most proud of about [name of company]? What corporate issues cause you to lose sleep at night?

i.e. when I  interviewed with an IT consulting firm, I asked them what type of software they use to manage their projects

when I interviewed with deloitte consulting, I asked them how they differentiate themselves from Accenture, PwC, etc.

Day 3: till your interview day: These are the days to prepare and practice. Set up mock interviews with friends and mentors

On the Day of interview:

After a good night of sleep, eat nutritious breakfast.

Before you walk in the interview room, do 3 things:

1. adjust body language


2. mindset: Think I am the best.

3. turn on your iphone/recorder to record upcoming interview

24-48 hours after the interview: Send an email thanking and articulating why you're perfect for the job.

24-48 hours after the thank you card: If you discussed any current events during the interview and you happen to come across something in the news, send them the article with a summary of why you think it's relevant. This will show you're smart, articulate and sharing.

29.作為技術職位,最基本的技術麵試問題的網站一定要過一遍,e.   麵試是非常需要親身經驗積累的,有機會一定要多麵試. 每一次麵試都會讓你更強大. 另外每一次麵試之後建議把麵試過的題目記錄下來,有空複習複習,同一個方向的麵試題的重複率還是比較高的,如果onsite麵試過5場以上,基本上之後三分之二的題目都能碰到原題或者找到原型。interviewers 麵試new grad,最重要的就是看看你在學校已經學過的東西掌握的如何,不期望你真的能懂多少。

很多人都覺得麵試就是出題與答題的過程,表麵上看確實是,但實際上技術隻是考核的一小部分, Onsite麵試的4~7輪中,絕大部分都是你即將加入的那個組的組員,也就是可能的日後的同事。所以麵試中更多的是看和你討論時的感受。是否適合一起工作,和這個組的組員是否合得來,然後看看你的做事風格. 我跟某個manager聊當時為什麽招我時,他覺得new grad其實都是從零開始慢慢教,技術大概過關,有基本的coding能力就行,然後覺得我aggressive,加上溝通交流非常愉快,所以就錄用了。

30. case interview tip.  Drawing is helpful ( deloitte consulting first and second round all had case interviews, use drawings to demonstrate your thought process)

31.公司一般都會留出5~15分鍾的時間給你提問,這個時候可以探討一下公司的前景,比如和競爭對手的比較如何。或者是問問公司的文化如何(其實還是有差別的),這樣你在最後選擇公司時,他們的回答也是很有參考性的。Ask about那麽前幾個月的工作會是怎麽樣的。可以問問行業形勢比如競爭對手的情況,可以問問公司擴建情況

32. 麵試如果被問到你還有沒有在麵試其他公司, or if you have an offer already,一定要說出來,這在側麵也是對你能力的證明,同時也會讓他們更快的做出決定。



1.      Aggressive and proactive – being humble would not do you any good in this culture. Also, being proactive means not being susceptible to the outside environment stimulus.(i.e. don’t be bothered to “no sponsorship” policy constraint. Just stay focused and develop yourself.

2.      Be a smoosher, suck up when necessary , especially when talking with the recruiters, it’s all about “facetime”- getting your face outthere

3.      Have a clear objective for every event you go to,=> prenight, instead of spending your time with a bunch of school mates, eating food, talk with as much managers as possible and let them remember your face

4.      Don’t think of immigration status as a constraint. It’s not as hard as you think it is. It’s difficult but it’s not that difficult.  Be consistent and patient.  Start early, build connections via information interviews to (not associate level, not too senior people, but manager level and above) and find out what they do.  During the conversation, ask for advice(people like to be treated as an expert in the field), don’t ask for job and internship directly,  sell yourself well, let him/her know what you are looking for to your career and some of your skill set, follow up with a thank you, and get in touch in holiday seasons

5.      Put your best foot forward, keep learning, trying and good thing will come at the end (this is how you will find your passion)

6.      Always START early, early, and early.  If you are looking for a job, you should start information interviews 2 years early.  Example: I met a person on the train, and he told me that her wife is really good at getting jobs. This is her secret

7.      Talk with the people you sit next to you, your driver for cab, your company on the train. You never know who you going to meet. Take the initiative.

8. When trying to decide a career path, think about what you don’t like, and write them down.  Also, keep trying out new things.

9..關於心態  - 摘抄


“想當初剛開始找工作時,我也經曆過無論怎麽投簡曆都得不到回應的時期。時間長了,自然會著急,在隻有90天OPT失業期找不到工作就得滾蛋的壓力下更會焦慮,甚至會開始懷疑自己,否定自己。但是這一段經曆,讓我的心態發生了質的變化,這些公司拒絕我的簡曆,那就說明我的簡曆還有改進的空間,修改了之後繼續投。被拒絕的越多,是因為我嚐試的更多。如果我一個公司投30份簡曆還沒有回應,我就修改之後再投50份投100份,這樣不斷的努力下,終於慢慢有了成效。我投Qualcomm這公司投到近100封時,終於拿到了第一個麵試,就連Google這樣的純軟件公司,在我連著投了近兩個月投到60封左右時終於被我的誠意打動,給了我一個麵試,他們的郵件裏回複道,因為你的continued interest in Google,我們決定給你一個技術電麵,看的我熱淚盈眶。從最初怎麽投都沒有回應但一直努力嚐試,到後來不斷的拿到越來越好公司的麵試,讓我深深的覺得: 被拒絕的不夠多,隻能說明嚐試的還不夠多,隻能說明還沒達到自己的極限.一次又一次地被拒絕,是你的勇氣和進取心的最好證明。它們決定了你可以走多遠。


BE PATIENT! 我們能做的其實太多太多,但是實際上大部分人都思考的太少太少,做到的太少太少,有時想偷懶的時候,就以外部環境作為借口。

Quit *****ing! 如果沒有比別人更努力,沒有比別人嚐試過更多,沒有比別人經曆過更多的失敗,怎麽可能不在淘汰的那一列呢?你無法在麵試的時候告訴公司,我比其他人更有潛力,了解的更多,公司憑什麽會要你呢?你如何能stand out呢? You have nothing to lose.要有motivation,要aggressive,要stay hungry

10.  Volunteer or work for a company for free if you can’t find an internship

11. “Don’t finish when you are tired, finish when you are done”

12. "The only way to overcome fear is through action”



1.  Ask yourself a couple of questions when you trying to decide a job offer

a.       1st question “Can I work 100 hours for this job”

b.      2nd question “ Do I enjoy it and can I make an impact”

c.   what is my value proposition? what do I value the most?

2.  When joining a division for the company, make sure to join the one that has high growth and generate revenue for the firm.  So when the economy’s bad, they don’t cut you. (Always remember you are at the bottom of the list always because sponsorship costs more)


Additional book:

Power ties, by Dan Beaudry http://www.powerties.net/index.php/the-author/

The seven habits of highly effective people, by Stepehn Covey  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Seven_Habits_of_Highly_Effective_People

Outlier: The story of success, by Malcolm Gladwell

Additional website links:




Behavioral questions prep list:


E&Y job search questions


Keep in touch via linkedin. Feel free to message me any specific questions you have.



"You don't set out to build a wall. You don't say 'I'm going to build the biggest, baddest, greatest wall that's ever been built.' You don't start there. You say, 'I'm going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid. You do that every single day. And soon you have a wall." -- Will Smith


Jieli Wu



so great to see an youngin like you in this industry -philosophied- 給 philosophied 發送悄悄話 (291 bytes) () 09/30/2013 postreply 16:37:38

3q! -美國老土- 給 美國老土 發送悄悄話 美國老土 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/30/2013 postreply 16:48:12

thanks a lot for the information. -pfingstenrose- 給 pfingstenrose 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/01/2013 postreply 03:25:57



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