《哦,你上SUNY IT?你一定是懶惰的垃圾》

來源: wxcboy 2013-07-31 09:42:02 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (25130 bytes)


2006年11月, 也就是周序申申請續約的時候, 紐約州立大學技術學院(SUNY IT)的學生出版物 (Factory Times) 發表了一名大四學生的文章 ---哦,你上SUNY IT?你一定是懶惰的垃圾 (oh, you go to SUNYIT? You must be lazy and worthless)。

大四學生凱文 Bertholf 寫道:

關於這所學校如果有一件事是真的,就是它很善於培養絕對沒有知識的畢業生。這的原因是,你上任何課,你總是可以找到會讓你過的教授。不做任何努力結果一無所獲,這就是SUNY IT。但這不是教授的錯,因為通常情況下,如果他們蕩掉成績差不合格的懶惰學生,懶惰的學生就會投訴,教授就會失去工作。

哦,你上SUNY IT?你一定是懶惰的垃圾第一頁

哦,你上SUNY IT?你一定是懶惰的垃圾第二頁


Selected from

Academic Portfolio Summary

       Jason Zhou

I constantly learn from my students and find the ways to help them. This week, for example, I learned from one student that what I taught in class using equation (2) below confused many students including her, because they always do the things using the way of (3) to get (4). They have never seen (2) before. I explained in class that if both sides of the equation add, deduct, or multiple the same amount, the equation should hold, just like a balanced scale. That is why I write like (2). After hearing my explanation again in my office, the student still think (3) is more comfortable than (2). So I will use (3) in the future, but do my explanation at the same time. 

10.5 = 5.3 + 2.5*X                                              (1)

10.5 – 5.3 = 5.3 + 2.5*X – 5.3                            (2)

10.5 = 5.3 + 2.5*X                                              (1)

-5.3    -5.3                                                         (3)

5.2  = 2.5*X                                                       (4) 

I am good at using real world examples to explain math problems, but I have to learn when to use them. When students in both sessions of FIN 302 asked the same question: why 0.5X + X equals 1.5X, I said that if you have one half pizza and bought another pizza, you will have one and half pizza. They were very comfortable with my answers. So now I know when to use those pizza examples.


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