
來源: wxcboy 2013-07-11 21:38:56 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2102 bytes)

"我被欺負, 實際上是華人被欺負。"


似乎表明, “我”又受迫害意象的傾向,專業詞匯是什麽來著?

Answer ====> Victim mentality is the 專業詞匯 for you.

Victim mentality is an acquired (learned) personality trait in which a person tends to regard him or herself as a victim of the negative actions of others, and to think, speak and act as if that were the case - even if the absence of clear evidence. It depends on habitual thought processes and attribution.

Victim mentality is primarily learned, for example, from family members and situations during childhood. It contrasts with the psychologically better-researched traits of neuroticism and psychoticism, both of which have a stronger biological or genetic basis. Neuroticism may be defined as general emotional instability or a generally enhanced tendency to experience negative emotions. Psychoticism is characterised by hostility and aggression.

“我” had long been an opposite end of victim before coming to the U.S.

Answer ends <====



 “拉不出把把怪毛坑不好”, 此其謂也。

故比喻為: 非典型肺炎。

Answer ====> What is the 自身問題?

"我被欺負, 實際上是華人被欺負。"

  準確說: "我被欺負, 實際上是一個華人被欺負。"



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