回複:I got shot when lying

回答: I got shot when lyingMarch52013-06-13 09:06:55
about Indian guys:

1. Basically, for the manager, he wants to use you to go through certain work: tell him each step. After you, obvious also he , get clear of everything of that work, he will let his Indian guy(s) to take care of that work instead of you. (This is the most disgusting thing. Just disgusting, nothing else.)

Then, if fortunately there is any other work, you will be a pioneer again;
Else, maybe it is not too far away for you to leave, namely, after his guys know everything you show them,  you are put into the line of cut-off.
Unless very busy, you are useless any more. Even you do better than them. They have great patient to let their guy to get familiar.

He laid off the guy who took care of what I am taking care of, the reason is, actually now I guess so,  that guy did not want to share code, not mention what he did.

After he left, the manager let me do it. Every step he would ask details.
Actually weeks ago, I knew nothing, he knew nothing. Now, I am kind of expert, he either. So, the one who AAA said he let her run the script, are given the work gradually,  instead of me.
I do not care, really, because even you think a lot, useless: I cannot stop them if they have that as a habit;

2. Indian guys are very Tuan Jie, outwards,  that is very famous and it is true.

If you and other Indian guys enter an Indian team at the same time, they will behave just like grand-sons to teach their new comers. Maybe call it 'do' much better than 'teach' --- they hate they cannot do everything for their new buddies.

But will not even talk a words with you, if you from different country.

I suffered this for 4 months because I came in with an Indian girl.  
I just learned by myself.
In the 5th month, the first round lay-off cut that girl and another Indian guy who entered  3 months before us. The reason I understand is: she always said 'I never seen this before', even she had ever seen the very similar or related things. She always sat with her Indian older sister, and that sister will first taught, then, just did it for her.

If they just taught me 1% of that, I will be very happy and made more progress;
Sometimes I just 'Tou' to listen a word or 2 when they were talking, then I understood a lot from that piece.
Am I too proud? but it is real and let me feel very confused how she knew nothing after that good tutoring?
The girl, my god, they always taught her the most 'kernal' stuff, but months later, when she talking with me, I found she still wanted to ask some very stupid questions. She seemed very proud of the truth: her guys always wanted to do for her,  till a bad day came. 

3. Indian guys actually not that 'Tuan Jie', inside.

Unfortunately, the older sister of that girl, the girl came together with me, herself resigned around 1 month earlier than 'her younger sister' got laid off.

Honestly, she is very very strong in techniques. I 'zi kui bu ru'.
But for whatever reason, she told everyone that 'I am tired of work' and resigned, after she worked there for just a little bit more than 1 year.

The girl got very sick those days. But her sister still left her the most important part of code and told me when I tried to ask her a question: ‘All things about front-end have given to xxx’. Is that a kidding?
Indian just like this, even they know it will failed, they still trust their guys instead of others. I knew she knew her younger sister very well.
Then, immediately she stuck to AAA. But, still, she did not avoid laying off.

The manager, though also an Indian, first of all, he needs keep his own 'FAN WAN'. When the company need to cut, what he can do?

4. Because they will not teach you, you need learn by yourself.

But, on the contrary, you have to teach them, no matter you want or not. It is another disgusting thing.

Or, the manager will 'cool' you for a long time.

Very interesting, after I and that girl entered month or so, for around several weeks, he did not gave me any work, because he let me 'get advice' from that girl.
But, I am a Chinese girl, right? how can we be advised by very 'lazy and bu xue wu shu' a person?
Then, he felt it. He was not happy.

At that time, I knew I should and could not stay longer.
But I need them to let me leave, right?

5.  In Indian group, if you want to live, you have to Ping Shi Li .

I really feel shame to tell friends that I worked for Indians (though the company is American`s.), because by myself, I think only those persons, who have no enough ability to find any other jobs, want to work for Indians.

For me, I knew long time ago that I had to change job. But I have no ability to find new but stay. 

But when you work here, you have to be relatively more excellent: you need learn new things faster; your hands need act fast; you need work harder;

Even this, you still be in a danger to lose your job: Indians always build their own 'quan zi': as long as there is anyone can do what you can, you have no chance for that any more, even you do it much better, much faster: they never hesitate to offer enough time for their guys to get skilled;

Also, if that older sister was still here, I have no chance, because I am not faster, harder and more excellent any more.

Only in this situation, you can live. I am living in this situation

See, today, I have nothing to do. I have enough time to write.
But I know I will not let go for a while: because there are still something Indian feel difficult at the beginning, need me to start.
In the end, I want to say, somebody said in this forum that ‘ 老印真比老中強!’, that is not true.
We Chinese always the best.
Our Ancients taught us: 中庸之;  
That is our most valuable fortune.
