回複:if you already have a degree 沒必要重回學校to get a 白班 job

來源: yellow98 2013-05-05 14:14:19 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (566 bytes)

Please help!
I am working at City jobs in NYC (new hired last six months with supervisor title). I have to evaluation my staffs, my problem is I have no idea about with one of my staff (Clerrical Associate III title). His attendance is not satisfactory, often absent 5 days per month.  His work is copy and filing, send the forms and letter to client.  The former supervisor's note:Mr. G was out of the office for 5 months, very hard to rate his work when things were misplaced and unorganized. How can i write this year? Thx..



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