
親戚移民美國。女性,30多了。有身份,理工科畢業,英文底子不錯。但以前專業在美國找工作不現實。想看看學個什麽證書或community college 能拿下的專業,盡快找到個工作。

-- Not need 什麽證書;
-- 1) Need a maketable skill;
-- 2) Need know how to talk in the job interview.

想在醫療領域考慮。有什麽‘多快好省’的職業能考慮?護士要學4年太長了。藥劑師更長。其他比如 imaging technician 像B超技師可以嗎?需要學多久?就業市場如何?

-- Gain marketable skill which can be used in every industry;
-- There is NO reason to limit on
-- 有身份,理工科畢業,英文底子不錯。She is much better than many other people;
-- Shoule be able to start looking after 3 - 6 month.

-- "4-5萬就可以了"。 Should find job much higher than this range.
-- Follow the right way, not need certificate or degree, plenty of good jobs is waiting for her.
