我和一男同事共用一個大辦公式, 有四五個小格格. 他先招了個南加大實習生, 是付工資的. 那女孩, 幾周後,帶了個好友來, 說要volunteer;她們共用一個電腦.
同事還把他的stepdaughter 帶來, volunteer, 也是大學生.
那兩個共用電腦的, 整天幾咕不斷; 還不時笑笑,壓抑地笑那種. 我上周三,覺得被弄得要瘋了, 為了避免說話感情用事, 我給他發了郵件.
Hi Bob,
Excuse me, is it possible you move the two girls to the station where they are closer to you?
You d
o not need to do it right away, I do not want to cause tension. I hope you find a good reason to move them or separate them.I know they are talking about the work most of the time. But I am hearing all their talks. It is distracting me, especially when I need to focus.
同事平時對我還挺友好, 他也常需要我的編程經曆幫他點小忙, (我們做的是不同工作.)可是這次不理我.
我找了機會問他,收到郵件了嗎?他說收到了. 我問她們在這做多久, 他說, 不知道,回頭問一下. 明顯在支付我.
我也不想弄給老板看. 也怕處理不好,有理變沒理.
來這寫出來, 是否有類似經理的人點撥. 要不就憋著,急人,惱人.