聽到這話時你立馬睜大眼睛, 張大嘴巴, 直視經理兩秒種:“What? Say it again? Come on! You mean I flirted him? No kidding! But,well..., hold on a second... I am confused, what did I do? Who told you that? Wait a minute, do you think I can be in love with him or he may be in love with me? " 然後聳聳肩膀, 攤開雙臂,開懷大笑:"This is so funny! Oh my god! this is sooooo funny!" 然後再一本正經起來:“Are you serious?" 然後突然恍然大悟的樣子,“Oh I know, I know! There must be a girl in this office loves that guy! Who is she? You know? Oh, I know it! ha ha, I know it! She is .... You know what I mean... But she does not know I know! And she does not know you know I know! Ha, ha ,ha !" 然後揮著手, 搖著頭, 擦著笑出的眼淚若無其事地走開。 走開三步後穿突然回過頭來, 用食指指著經理, 十分鬼魅地笑著, 微微點著頭再說一遍:”she doesn't know you know I know...." 說完, 轉身大步流星地走開。