用嚴厲的口氣指責你、教訓你。如果他是在大庭廣眾之下對你來這種訓孫子的態度,你當時馬上可以當眾跟他指出,非常professional的告訴他:“I don't like the way you talk to me. ” 然後馬上教訓他,跟他說他必須說話尊重你: I expect you to respect your colleague. 然後口頭警告他:Be careful the way you talk to me. Now every one here is my witness. This is not the first time you mistreat me and I let you go during the past. I won't this time. Take this as my verbal warning, or you will need to talk to some one. 我保證你扔下這幾句話,他得當龜孫子當很久。
除了石頭兄弟說的方法, 同時做這個:
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12/05/2012 postreply