
回答: 大家為何爭執?上山下鄉2012-09-04 11:34:34

seems there are pople out there delete my post, so post it again.


But be careful when people claim his course is better than CS degree, as far as I know, all Chinese with a CS degree (BS,
MS or PhD ) have a job.
It is more important to ask how many LaoTu's students don't have a job just as how many people in 傳銷 don't make money.

Compare LaoTu's course to 傳銷 is unfare, but you get my point.




把英文先整明白了,people後麵用his course,有病吧你! -恨水- 給 恨水 發送悄悄話 恨水 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/04/2012 postreply 17:33:56

回複:神精病 - 不懂什麽叫從句就滾一邊去。 -elena_zhou- 給 elena_zhou 發送悄悄話 elena_zhou 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/05/2012 postreply 18:26:39
