我現在是無業狀態中,前段時間通過一個agent聯係了一份工作, 昨天第二次麵試,效果很好。今天那公司的HR就打來電話說給我offer, 可是工資卻比那個agent列在網上的工資範圍低了將近兩萬,我就問這個HR,“Based on my experience, is it possible to get more base salary?" HR answered :"Your previous job has low salary. " I said :" My previous job is in China, different living cost. That salary in China equal to $20000 more in US." HR said :"I'll ask the superwiser, I don't think they will give you $20000 more salary." I said :" $5000 more should be fair." HR said :"Ok, let me ask, but I can't guarantee, and also you need 6 month performance check, you have to pass the performance check. "
大家幫我看看, 我本來以為談工資應該是那個agent和我談, 沒想到這HR直接來找我了。 我絲毫沒有準備, 不知這樣說是不是會令他們重新考慮人選?他們給的工資和我上一個在中國工作的工資一樣多, 但是比我幾年前在美國工作時的工資低。