First of all, you need to understand one thing,

來源: Crystaldowns 2012-06-04 06:01:54 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1692 bytes)
回答: 同事關係困擾?請幫忙,謝謝!dance$wolf2012-06-02 21:59:53

training new people is not an easy task, most of the time, this is what people have to do on top of their regular job. so show some respect and gratitude by saying something like:"You know, I really appreciate you taking some much time training me, you've made it so much easier for me!"

1. 可T經常對我呼來喚去, if his attitude is TRUELY bad and barking orders to you as you described, talk to your manager instead of fighting with him. Remember, whoever raises his voice first, loses. In this case, you lost and it's completely your fault to pick the fight and being disrespectful.

2. 上次T說我做事太慢, It's true that a lot of times it's much slower to train someone to do things than doing it yourself. Instead of taking offense, why don't you say something like this:" You know, I'm still trying to digest what I've learn in the past two weeks, I'm sure I'll pick up the pace once I'm getting more familiar with the process..." It's a polite way to tell him that you don't appreciate his comments.

3. 我當時很生氣,把我的材料EMAIL給他就回家了。first of all, you have to understand that it's not your place to be upset about others' schedule,  your coworker should have told you that he's leaving but can be reached via email.

What you should have done is to send the email and say:" The attached is XXX per our discussion, if you'd like to touch base before we send it out to XXX (your manager), please call my cell phone as I'm not reacheable via email after hour."

This is a classic case of lack of communication, it's not all your fault, but even if others don't follow the etiquette, you should still show your professionalism.



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