My manager obviously doesn't know what is trust, what is integrity, what is management style. He consult me project, and always made wrong decision, when I was still against his decision, then he even would have said 'wrong is right in some situation'.
He is typical indian, say 'YES' forever to his boss, turn back to punch his team member. Doesn't matter how old you are, how high experience you are, and how worked hard in the past you are. Anytime, he took his own mind without consideration of others technical judgement.
So I told him you like I do exactly what you said? I would, but you then will get that bad result, and you are like a rabbit, always like to run fast even take big risk to hit wall, jump, jump, hit the wall, and again, jump, jump, hit the wall.
CEO explained this manager never had experience to manage a team before. He open a small consulting firm for network business, and thus CEO knew him 4 yrs, and this time to hire him as IT Director. He totally treat me as his small consulting firm employee - that type of the cheapest one, I guess.
This time, if this project and ERP system can't go-alive, there should be definitely a person to be sold to board finally and kick his ass..