1) the root cause analysis: good or bad plan
It is not rare in the business that a good plan can yield a good consequence normally, sometime it does not.
So, you might need separate "plan" and "consequence" while performaning the root cause analysis, communicating with your boss and colleagues, and convincing yourself.
What you did good was that you took immediate actions to mitigate the consequence when the unfavorable results occurred. In this sense, you were very accountable!
Now, the question is if we want to punish "a good plan with bad consequence" or not.
I guess that people tend to be fine when a plan either good or bad produces good consequences. Also, there is less argument with a bad plan with bad consequence.
So what you need emphasize are that A) your plan is good based on the company/industrial practices. B) you took accountable actions to mitigate its impacts, C) we learned a good lesson, which was implemented in plan or business process.
2) how to handle stress
you need enhancee your stress handling skills
A) firstly, you did nothing wrong, accident happens.
B) you were very accoutable, the impacts were minimized.
C) you offered the best you could. Now, it is your turn to relax a bit. Emergency handling should be temperary.
3) your exit plan
You need think clearly and with a structured mannerh, and communicated clearly with your boss and colleagues, win their buy-in about the accident handling and your emergency handling. Strongly imply your accountability.
4) your personal plan
A) your plan to open your firm is irrelevant right now simply because it is not mature. If it were a mature plan, you would pursue it earlier.
B) my advice on your saving plan, always be prepared on rainy days even when it is a sunny day. Otherwise, your personal plan will be fragile due to the lack of financial security. Money is a power sometimes.