公司的部門裏5個同事,一個part time, 其他三個人在一起工作6年以上了,她們每天都是罵髒話Fxxx stupid slum the phone,they talk each other and laugh very loud. My manager gave me a new pen. After having it 3 weeks, it turned a worn out seem style pen. One of my coworker changed it when I was away from my desk. Oh !My! I don't fit there. The one of them is rude and crazy, she gave you her work to do and looked down you. After that , I learnt to say "no" to them. I
她們告訴前台把詢問電話都轉給我,我接了15個電話那天,我第二天就告訴前台要把電話平均。她們知道後,又對我很rude。Isolate me。
I am still ok so far, as long as they pay me. Even though I never wanted to in with them, but I feel peer pressure everyday, it is not good feeling.
Pay is good and very close to my home, sometimes think about to keep looking a new employment.
Hi, I don't know ,except the work environment , everything seems ok .