LD本 科,國內做大機很久了,是資深架構。
-- Nice! 你好眼力!
-- Yes, of course!
-- 你在哪,家就在哪,他就應該顧家.
考慮到他馬上奔四了,您覺得是個好的選擇嗎? 若來了,似乎大機不好找工作,該怎樣才能很快找到合適的位置?
-- Update resume, start looking, you never know.
-- A big No.
-- He already have a degree,not need 再上個統計碩士或博士.
-- "有人"? 啥人? 對米國工業界知道多少? 對找工作了解多少?
-- 既然他編程很有功底,所以可以適應數據計算的潮流。所以不需要再去念那沒用的學位.
您覺 得如何? 您覺得他年紀大了,已經不適合來了,換我回去嗎?
-- He has the degree, he has the experience, he 編程很有功底.
-- Therefore, he should be able to find a good job, as long as his English is not a problem.
我兩工資相當,都USA 100K。我們有綠卡。
-- How nice!
-- Many of us can only dream what you already have.
-- 那是因為你們都不土.
-- 不客氣! 百年之後都是土,相逢何必土不土.
Action Plan:
-- Tell him come here, join life with you.
-- After come, update resume, start looking for a job.
-- In themeantime, update skills, it just take three to 6 minths, he will have the hot skill to find a good job.
-- Yes, I knew it. He can do it.