回複:1)錢;2)Lifestyle;3) Marketable skill Sets 看到了..

回答: 1);2)Lifestyle;3) Marketable skill Sets 看到了..sisbio2012-02-10 22:30:29

但是我也擔心, 遠距離的工作, 將來也最容易被公司裁掉..
-- Why? Distance is not a problem, as long as you have the value.

不過有技術在身, 我倒也不怕. 反正在美國,Full time work at will, 隨時隨地的可以被裁.

-- Yes, who care.

Life style 真的不錯.... 我喜歡自由在家, 時間由自己控製...

-- Yes, all the purpose of our slave work is for a better lifestyle of our kids.
-- If we can get a comfortable lifestyle. Stay on it.
-- Work from home is one of the best lifestyle you can get!
