我是純理科背景,國內名校BS(生物),美國爛校MS(化學)。 - MS could be a roadblock when you apply for IB job
美國有化工廠5年研發工作背景,有綠卡。30歲,單身。 - Helpful if you worked for a big company, had impressive leadership experience, or did complex analytical work
除了在學校裏領導過一些學生社團,實驗室裏做了lab manager,中小學和奧數班裏做
過班長之外,沒有商務管理經驗。 - Doesn't need to be 商務管理, could be project manager
我想報讀top 20的full time MBA,專業想選finance,畢業後希望進華爾街,投行,基
金之類。 - Only full time MBA can get you into IB. You should apply for "core school" such as UPenn, Columbia, Chicago, Stern. Harward is okay too but ppl there are not as interested in banking. MIT is good for sales and trading.
全自費也能讀得起,但還是希望申請到50%左右的獎學金。 - very unlikely for core school, take student loan
現在正在準備GMAT,估計700以上不是問題,GPA(BS,MS)也很不錯。 - need at least 700
For MBA - depends on how you spin your story in application. there's a lot of information on how to write essay
For IB - You have a shot if you speak English with almost no accent, communicate effectively, not socially awkward, very strong technically. Will be helpful if you did CFA level I or II. Might want to consider recruiting both in US and HK
拿到獎學金的概率呢? unlikely
essay該怎麽解釋我從理科向金融轉行呢? google, and think very very hard, try to vet your story with your friends to make sure it's convincing