
回答: 請教:C2C同W2淡淡鬱金香2012-01-11 14:34:57

C2C: Corp to Corp, You are the CEO of your Corp. (Congratulations!) you get a 1099 for TAX. You need pay self employeement TAX besdies all other TAXes.

W2: you are a employee of some 人販子. Congratulations! You get a W2 form in the end of year for your TAX.

If W2 is 45/hour, you should ask $50/hour for 1099.


謝謝! -淡淡鬱金香- 給 淡淡鬱金香 發送悄悄話 淡淡鬱金香 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2012 postreply 14:43:41
