平時多流汗戰時少流血: 約翰公鴨《完美麵試準備,工作手到擒來》

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約翰-公鴨(John Drake):

The Perfect Interview: How to Get The Job You Really Want

John Drake(Amazon.com ***** rating)

ISBN-10: 0814479197

ISBN-13: 978-0814479193

The Skill Builders in the book are highly recommended.

Editorial Reviews

From the Publisher

Interviewing for a new job is tougher and more unpredictable than ever. But, now with this completely updated edition of John Drake's classic bestseller, readers can learn to control the process from start to finish! This exceptionally useful guide is packed with expert advice on how anyone can ace that interview-and get the offer they deserve. The new edition also supplies answers to twelve of the toughest questions interviewers ask...real-life stories of both good and bad interviewing situations...suggestions on preparing psychologically for the interview...and more!

From the Author

The Perfect Interview is based upon my professional experience, including hundreds of interviews with job candidates at all levels-from hourly rated trainees to presidents of Fortune 500 companies. It also calls upon more than 20 years of hands-on experience in counseling individuals on the best ways to present themselves during employment interviews. I have tried to delineate here only those techniques and methods that I have directly observed be practical and productive-ones that have actually proved successful in the job-hunting marketplace.



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