其實AMY 拿到大公司的Offer都在大家的意料之中。原因有以下幾點:
1. AMY同學是MBA的背景, 不可否認的是, 她的communication and doucmentation 的能力不是一般的強, 俺記得在老土老專門為prepare interview而開的WEBINAR上, 有好幾位同學都提到they were very impressed by AMY's documentation. (非常有幸的是俺也得到了一份從老土老師那兒。)
2.AMY 想要得到一份心意的工作, 想要的改變的心不是一般的強烈。
c. 知道自己想要取得公司名單, 自己投簡曆。
d. 即便是 phone interview, 也做足了準備, 不讓自己錯失任何一個機會。
e. 對細節非常的在意, 就連回答問題是的語氣都要反複地揣摩, 更不要說how to answer interview questions.
f. 對於自己的不足立馬改正。 不管是老土老師, 還是同學們的意見和建議, 聽後立即吸收並應用。
3. 老土老師對AMY在很多具體細節問題上的指導, You can not imagine how wonderful they were without hearing the webinar records. And you can see very clearly big difference between Amy's first preparing interview questions' list, how she answered those questions before and after the first webinar specially for AMY and other students.
(各位同學,請補充 if you thought that I missed some points. Or please give me some comments if you thought what I said is wrong. Many Thanks.)
俺在這兒衷心的感謝AMY,從你的身上我看到了我的不足和有待提高的地方,從中學到了很多。 Merry Christmas and Good Luck!
俺更要在這感謝老土老師, 沒有你的睿智的, 精辟的指導, 我們這一幫一心想改變自己生活的姐妹們不知還要在黑暗中摸索多久。
(對不起, 我不知如何給你送一朵紅花。)
Merry Christmas! Best wish to your family and you!
I hope in the coming new year, all sisters and bothers, and me will land the job we want and enjoy our lives!