越到holiday越覺得frustrated,我怎麽就找不到工作。先說一下我的情況吧,在美國讀了碩士(是IE),工作了4年後(product management)在家帶寶寶。後來去讀了MBA (operation), 學校一般,排名三十多, 畢業快兩年了,
-- You are great!
-- You have all the stuff many of us can only dream to have.
也沒找到工作。試過找product management, business analyst (但不會編程),project management ( 我有PMP)。沒綠卡, 有兩次麵試很有希望,但因為H1B 沒 成。現在感覺找工作最大的缺陷是沒綠卡和長的career gap, 連麵試都沒有。怎麽辦呢?現在想著要麽是繼續找,等著綠卡(不知什麽時候下來);
-- Yes, keep looking.
-- Who trold you these funny idea?
-- Save your money, save your time. Do NOT Do it.
這三者沒有特別的偏好,就看哪一 個+MBA+PMP更有市場競爭力。可我年紀比較大了,35,
-- 35 years old is prety young!
-- DO not waste your time get another useless degree.
-- I have a nither student, who has degree and MBA. She just had very good in terviewe this week. The offer is not far. I talked about her interview in the weekly meeting last night.