
來源: 灰衣人 2011-11-28 17:26:34 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (7177 bytes)





尹集成先生簡介 [zt]

最適當的辭來描述尹集成先生就是「社區參與」。成功,不是隻衡量一個人的財富,對於尹先生而言,成功是看一個人對社會作出多少貢獻。目前在Vacaville、Fairfield、 Suisun、 Rio Vista、 Clearlake、 Vallejo、 Benicia、 American Canyon和San Francisco等市經營 21 家麥當勞餐廳的尹先生每年都熱心贊助及參與當地商業、 公民、 教育、 慈善、 政府和公共事務的活動,並經常是活動的領導者,其用心就是要造福社會。他慷慨的付出許多時間與金錢給無數的慈善團體、 學校、 體育活動、藝術活動、老人、 青年、 少數族裔、 殘疾人士和無家可歸的人。 尹先生致力於許多不同層級的公共服務,成為社區的典範。受到強烈的服務與助人之工作倫理的驅使,他服務社區的層級從地方伸展到國家,都獲得非凡的成就。 尹先生來美國帶著要求成功的決心。他在大陸淪為共產黨統治時隨著家人遷居臺灣,大學畢業後到美國尋求更好的生活。 作為一個經營商業和照顧家庭的男人,尹先生一直忠於扮好他各式各樣的角色。其中幾個主要亮點包括: 土木工程碩士學位、結縭四十多年的妻子Regina、 三個 美麗和成功的女兒、發展的麥當勞企業王國、和無數的獎項與榮譽。 在文化方麵,尹先生參加了“保存天使島“活動,導致天使島,一個灣區重要的歷史古蹟,受到許多組織如全國有色人種協進會(NAACP)、 JACL、 OCA、 亞洲商會、西裔商會等的保護。他也是亞太裔參政協會(APAPA)、Solano美華協會(CAASC)和Solano中文學校的創始人。 2001 年,尹先生和朋友組織了亞太裔參政協會(APAPA),旨在通過教育、 積極參與和領導訓練於公民及公共事務來增強亞太裔美國人的力量。他積極參與地方、 州和國家各級民主的和政治的活動。 在專業領域,尹先生於18 年的工程師生涯後追求他創業的夢想,他在北加州經營21 家麥當勞餐廳,每家都是力求完美的在經營。他已被授予很多崇高的榮譽,包括: 麥當勞公司的領袖獎,「亞洲企業雜誌」的年度全國企業家獎、 「全國餐廳新聞」的頂尖50食品連鎖業者獎、 「連鎖業時代雜誌」的頂尖連鎖業者獎,美國商務部的年度少數族裔零售業者、和麥當勞公司最尊崇的金拱獎。其他的成就還包括: Vacaville市商會主席、 加州公路警察之公民諮詢委員會主席、加州餐館協會理事長,Solano郡社區學院基金會委員、Solano三市有色人種協進會獎學金計畫主席、及Vacaville市警察活動聯盟主席。在過去的幾年中,他也獲委任為加州彩票委員和加州州立大學校董。 尹先生和妻子Regina也通過麥當勞公司資助本地的社區計畫,如 D.A.R.E.(宣導抵製濫用藥物)、 女童子軍、 警察活動聯盟、 Newspapers In Education、 McTeacher 之夜、Vacaville公共教育基金會、 西班牙裔青年會議、郎諾麥當勞家族獎學金、 Sacramento馬丁 · 路德 · 金慶祝會、 高中及大學生暑期實習計畫等。此外,也贊助社區主要的活動,包括Travis空軍基地航空博覽會、Fairfield國慶慶祝會、Vacaville 年度的聖徒節、 Rio Vista Bass Festival等。 尹先生無私無懈的努力不斷地滋潤社區和他周遭許多個人的生活。

C.C. Yin Biography

Two words best describe C.C. Yin . . . community involvement. To be successful, is not merely a measure of one’s financial worth. For C.C. Yin, success is best described as one’s contributions to the community. With 21 McDonald’s Restaurants in Vacaville, Fairfield, Suisun, Rio Vista, Clearlake, Vallejo, Benicia, American Canyon and San Francisco, C.C. supports each by being an active leader and regular participant in business, civic, education, charity, government and public affairs, all focusing on the betterment of the community. He also generously gives both time and financial assistance to countless charities, schools, sports programs, and the Arts, to name a few, as well as seniors, youth, minorities, disabled persons, and the homeless. C.C. Yin is a man committed to public service at many different levels; he stands as a remarkable icon in the community. Driven by a strong work ethics comprised of servicing and helping others, C.C.’s level of community involvement stretches from local to national levels, as do his major achievements and accomplishments. C.C. Yin arrived in the United States determined to succeed. Heading to America after a narrow escape from mainland China to Taiwan during the Communist takeover, C.C. immediately began to seek a better life. As a professional business and family man, C.C. remains faithful to his varied roles within the community. Among the major highlights of all his hard work to date: a degree in Civil Engineering, a 40+ year marriage to his wife Regina, 3 beautiful and successful daughters and the vision to launch and maintain a flourishing McDonald’s restaurant business empire, not to mention the wide array of awards and recognitions lauded to him by his many community affiliations & leaderships at local, state and national levels. On a cultural level, he has participated in “Save Angel Island”, a regional effort that has resulted in the preservation of Angel Island, an important landmark in the Bay Area, as well as with organizations such as the NAACP, JACL, OCA, Asian Chamber and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and many more. C.C. is also the founder of the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA), the Chinese American Association of Solano County (CAASC) and the Solano Chinese Language School . In 2001, he helped found an organization called the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA), which aims to empower API Americans through education, active participation and leadership in civic & public affairs. C.C. is actively engaged in the democratic and political process at local, state and national levels. In the professional arena, after 18 years in the Engineering career, C.C. continues to pursue his dream of entrepreneurship, always aiming to perfect operations in his noteworthy 21 McDonald’s restaurants in northern California. He has been awarded many high recognitions including: McDonald’s Leadership Award, National Entrepreneur of the Year Award by Asian Enterprise Magazine, Top 50 National Food Franchisee by Nation’s Restaurant News, Top Franchisee in the Nation by Franchise Times Magazine, Minority Retail Firm of the Year by the U.S. Department of Commerce, and the most prestigious Golden Arch Award by McDonald’s Corporation. Other achievements also include: Vacaville Chamber of Commerce Chair, California Highway Patrol Citizens Advisory Board, CA Restaurant Association PAC Board, Solano Community College Foundation Board, Tri City NAACP Scholarship Program Chair and Vacaville Police Activities League Chair. In the last couple of years, he was appointed as California Lottery Commissioner and California State University Trustee. Through McDonald’s, C.C. and wife, Regina, also assist locally in programs such as D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), Girl Scouts, Police Activities League, Newspapers In Education, McTeacher’s Night, Vacaville Public Education Foundation, Hispanic Youth Conference, Ronald McDonald House Scholarship, Sacramento Martin Luther King Celebration, High School & College Summer Internships as well as sponsor major events in the community including the Travis Air Force Base Air Expo, Fairfield Fourth of July, the Annual Vacaville Fiesta Days, Rio Vista Bass Festival and many more. C.C.’s selfless & tireless efforts enrich the community and the many individuals whose lives he continually touches.


工程師轉而經營21 家麥當勞餐廳的人才我還真的碰到過,一個印度人工程師開了18 家BurgerKing 的連鎖店 -WanderDeer2012- 給 WanderDeer2012 發送悄悄話 (91 bytes) () 11/28/2011 postreply 17:36:17

很讓人敬佩。 -林卡- 給 林卡 發送悄悄話 (531 bytes) () 11/29/2011 postreply 08:45:17



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