【開頭的話】根據俺的粗略了解,麵試時的這個行為測試(Behavior Interview)頗讓很多同胞為難,俺也親見很多老美陰溝裏翻船。可見這不僅僅是一個語言的問題。而且俺們同胞技術背景者居多,在從技術到管理的轉型過程中,這個行為測試是個一定要過的關口(而且有向非管理職位蔓延的趨勢)。寫幾篇小文的初衷,就是幫助有需要的朋友掌握正確的準備方法。其實在各位的經曆中,一定有諸多可圈可點的成就。有備而來,破解行為測試一定不是問題。這個考核的重點, 是看你如何與人,尤其是難纏的人,打交道。
【葵花寶典】Behavioral Interview Guide
There are 2 formulas for cracking the behavioral interview. SMART and STAR.
The SMART format stands for Situation with Metrics, Actions, Results, and Tie-in. The last item, Tie-in, is key. It neatly links the response back to the employer’s competency question, allows the individual to inquire further into the employer’s needs, and helps focus the conversation on how the candidate can DO the job instead of simply AUDITION for the job.
An alternative formula is STAR. STAR stands for Situation/Task, Action, and Result(s).
【典型案例】 Sense of Urgency
Sample questions for you (the interviewee):
1. Projects rarely proceed without obstacles. Tell me about a recent project you worked on when you encountered a major obstacle. What did you do to get around that obstacle? How did you keep others focused on handling the priority tasks for the project?
2. Tell me about a time when you managed or coordinated a complex project that had many unclear variables. What did you do to remain focused on what needed to get done?
【精髓要義】What the interviewer looks for:
Proactively deals with business issues; identifies priority assignments; recognizes and removes obstacles that may impact success; maintains focus in light of challenges or ambiguous circumstances.
Key positive examples:
Proactively Senses and Responds to Problems and Opportunities—Persists in the face of obstacles and challenges.
Works to Reduce Cycle Time—Quickly assimilate and digest information.
Takes Action When Needed—Demonstrates a clear bias for action on priorities.
【家庭作業】Fill out the form for the examples from your own experience before the interview (the STAR approach):
【經驗之談】Oh, one very important thing to remember: don't just tell us what your troops did. We want to know what your specific role/contributions was/were.
您說您參加過國共和談? 國共和談我們都知道。但我們不知道您都幹了些啥?您是主持會談還是端茶送水?