謝謝提醒, 也考慮做人要厚道, 一個半月前看,醫生說 可能 和 公司組織 去開F1賽車有關,當時 很緊張. 轉灣 時很費力, 一周 後 腰疼 後腿 疼, 曾 去急診 ( called the director and let him know), because I am not sure if it pain from that so never think about asking the company to do something before.
Thanks a lot!
謝謝提醒, 也考慮做人要厚道, 一個半月前看,醫生說 可能 和 公司組織 去開F1賽車有關,當時 很緊張. 轉灣 時很費力, 一周 後 腰疼 後腿 疼, 曾 去急診 ( called the director and let him know), because I am not sure if it pain from that so never think about asking the company to do something before.
Thanks a lot!
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