-- Yes, Month End Reports, Quater End Reports.
-- All need Data, and Databases.
-- And need skill of Analyse these Data.
-- I wish I am a 新人. 這不是胡說.
-- Every Month End Report has a dealine, as long as you can deliver the reports
on time, you are OK.
-- Good idea to ask others, so you can save lot of time.
-- Glad to know you know how to generate Reports!
-- What you mean 85分到90分? You have to deleiver the report, can't missing data.
可朋友說為什麽你犧 牲自己的周末加班加點呢?
-- It is normal to work overtime in one or two days to meet the report deadline.
難道你想讓頭兒們認為你是不需要training的,因為你自己會想方設法弄明白的,然後給你更多的要你用自己的時間去完成的活 兒?
-- As a professional, you deliver what you suppose to know;
-- As a professional, you ask what you need to ask and get others to help if you need.
-- Judge what to ask and what NOT, depeneds on your experience.
-- 曾經滄海難為水,安娜打他有馬瑞.忙裏偷閑悠著點,交出報告別太累.
-- As long as you can deliver the report before the deadline, you are OK.