There are many lay offs in these days.
It is not a porblem at all.
Why you worry "辭退又恐影響下個工作?"
If you are sure you can get a lay off soon, start looking for a job now and wait till get the lay off package.
There are many lay offs in these days.
It is not a porblem at all.
Why you worry "辭退又恐影響下個工作?"
If you are sure you can get a lay off soon, start looking for a job now and wait till get the lay off package.
• 土哥的意思是說, 好死不如賴活著 -濫竽衝數- ♂ (28 bytes) () 11/13/2011 postreply 06:53:32
• 先濫竽衝數會兒,過了那個村,到了那個店再真吹 -我邊走邊問- ♀ (81 bytes) () 11/13/2011 postreply 07:21:47
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