
I have asked my friend to refer me to the position at company B, which I have worked for 7 years. A corporate recruiter, who my friend has talked before in order to get more information regarding the position couple days ago, has replied his e-mail.

Thanks for the resume. It seems that her background is very strong. It seems that she might be overqualified. I will contact her. 

I understand her comment regarding over qualified. From the resume, it seems that it is one step down . Also, current position wouldn’t be able to match my salary at company A.

My question: do I need to ask my friend to reply to her e-mail with some reasoning why I have applied for this position? I think I need to be proactive to address people’s concern, even though it is a company recruiter. If yes, here is what I write, any comment?

Reply to the recruiter’s comment:


If you compare my qualifications with the job requirements, you and the hiring manager would agree that that I am almost a perfect match for this position. I have the right skill sets and many years of experience in xxx. I understand that this job doesn’t require xxx. I understand your comment regarding the over qualification. I would like to share why I am applying for this position:

1.      I was xxx when I worked for xxx, company B. The same job grade as this one.If there was any opportunity like this one in 2010, I wouldn’t leave xxx.

2.      I always look for an opportunity to work for xxx department, which especially utilize my strengths, analytical skill and multi-tasking skill. Also, this position has nothing/little to do with regulatory stuff.

3.      My past experience is with Commercial business line. It is great to work on xxx, which is a fast growing and challenging field in the next 30 years.

4.      It is a telecommuting position, which means that I don’t need to relocate.

If I may, I wouldn’t call it over qualified. I would call it a good deal.






IMO - Just wait until the recruiter contacts you. -PlainMe- 給 PlainMe 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/02/2011 postreply 10:50:18

一點補充 -展望2012- 給 展望2012 發送悄悄話 (203 bytes) () 11/02/2011 postreply 11:02:45
