回AmoyGirl: 3 hour on-site interview 2007-06-14 16:36:19
Dear AmoyGril,
Congratulation for the coming 3 hours on-site interview!
Please don't worry too much, they use their expensive time to give you a free interview training, no matter what, you are the winner already.
Please don't worry too much, nobody will sit down in there with you for three hours.
Usually the three hours interview will break to several 45min or 1 hr sessions, one or two people talk with you at each session.
Before answer any of their question, make sure know who you are talking with, ask their title and what role they are in the company, and whether they are the people to make the final decision.
Technical people will focus on technical questions with some behavior questions, and sometime with some little puzzle ask you to solve (only they know the answer, so even you faild with the puzzle, you are OK. They just want to show you they are smarter than you, who care).
Managers will focus on behavior questions and one of the most important factor for manager's interview is they want to make sure they like your smiling.
In any case, bring lots of smiling is very helpful. Start smiling after you leave your car in the parking lot (they are watching you from the office window...).
Please use the quick time in the begining of the interview to make judgement of what kind of the person that interviewer is. This is very important. If he/she is a faster style guy, then you need answer evething quick. If he/she is a lazy and slow styled, then you need treat him/her as grand pa/ma, take your time, slowly answer his/her question with smile, not be hurry, becasuse he/she likes the slow people like him/her, so he/she can keep his/her job secure.
Prepare several questions to ask them.
Please bring couple copies of your resume and two pieces of blank paper to take a note if you need, at least let them feel you are a responsible person and listen carefully what they are saying, and taking note.
You win the interview by your attitute, your voice and your smile, not your skill.
They will look your resume and ask you questions from here. If you find out that they don't know how to do interview, don't laugh in front of them. keep it as a secret and share with us.
You can repeat the same key point to different group of the people, so it will waste their time quicker. And you may feel nervers in the begining, but doing much better when you realized you are not too bad because you already get trained by ???.
No matter what questions they ask you, you should always find time to say:
" Yah, I guess this is a good chance to allow me introduce myself to you, I was educated at .... and worked ....(just say how good you are and how you did previously, in 2 min)."
Please well prepaed for your interview, repeat what you wplan to say many many times, untill you can say it easily. look people's fore-head instead of look their eye.
Please be confident. You are the best candidate!
Again, no matter what, they are willing to spend their expesive time to allow you to mess up their expensive carpet and give you free interview
training, what do you need worry? Nothing. You are the winner already!