
拿了個計算機碩士, 在家看娃好幾年. 計算機畢業的還好找工作嗎?
-- It is great you have a CS degree, and you have 娃. How nice the life is!
-- Yes, with a CS Mater on your resume, people knew you are smart. So it is much easier comparing with others.
-- You get a phone interview if you have a good resume, this part is easy, even you do not have a CS degree.

-- You get a job offer if you 會說. 能找工作就靠說,會說帶來好工作。 This part is easy too, even you do not have a CS degree.

-- In order to 會說, you need hot skill which you can 說 during the interview.


幽默啊! 而且很受鼓勵!謝謝! -laoshan88- 給 laoshan88 發送悄悄話 laoshan88 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/28/2011 postreply 07:10:56
