there was a training today about enviromental issues ISO 14001

回答: 不是很需要,除非你是播音員。sigma2011-09-14 10:28:04

the lady who presented had an accent.

On the way out of the meeting room, a coworker laughed about her accent.

I found it hard to understand some words too. So I am think I might need to correct my accent.

Also one friend who is a vice principle of an elementry school told me it took her one year full time to study to eliminate her accent.

It's hard to be a teacher with accent.

I'm not a teacher but I think it's necessary to correct my accent for me go forward.

I asked my kids to correct me but our topics are limited.


老師是有需要,尤其是小學老師。 -sigma- 給 sigma 發送悄悄話 (206 bytes) () 09/14/2011 postreply 13:31:03
