because of lack of communication

and your negative attitude. I don't mean to hurt you but that's what I observed.

You don't communicate with your co-worker, your patient and even your boss. It seems that you don't like the way your co-worker has been treating you, but your co-worker looks rather cooperative to me. She is quite kind and generous to provide you suggestion and possible support. You can take it and explain the benefits of doing so to your patient if it sounds right, or you can leave it if you think you have better alternative, but speak up and keep the communication going. It's a good way to build up your reputation. It seems to me that you are very quiet and lack of a self-confidence.  

A positive attitude may help. If you keep holding this bitter resentful feeling deeply in your heart, you may feel frustration all the time. Here are some examples:

1. “她一來就blah blah不停地嘮開了,顯得她很能幹,我很不能幹”

if you were the post-op patient laying there helplessly, how do you feel when a kind lady nurse would pay attention to you, check your status, and inform you of something that might be good for your recovery, even though it is a wrong instruction? How can a patient know that is wrong? she may just get the message that she has been cared for, which will make her feel good. From this standpoint, indeed the white nurse is 很能幹, and you 很不能幹.

2. "顯得我什莫都不懂,她要來教我,我答應著,我心想,病人的狀況不適合walk,可以幫她做range of motion on bed,我不好意思據絕她(護士)"

Here comes the bitter resentful feeling again. If you don't think her advice is good, why don't you discuss it with her? why do you feel 我不好意思據絕她(護士)? is that because you lack confidence, or is it just a habit? This kind of attitude may look quite dumb and stuborn for the other nurse and the patient.

3. "後來這個病人的傷口出血,我給她上了pressure dressing,我又給她紮了IV,輸albumin,我相信我沒做錯任何事,除了我不是那種很愛blah blah的人,這是我的個性"

You are quite defensive now aren't you? This bitter resentful feeling is haunting you again. Be pleasant, open-minded and positive. I didn't see anybody say that you did anything wrong in your post, but think about it what makes the others especially your patients like you? When people are at a weak time in their lives, what they need is caring. If you cannot win the trust of your patients, they doubt your skill and occupational qualities and complain with your boss, how can your boss like you or trust you?



這個很專業,俺也覺得就事論事而已。沒什麽大不了的 -愛上網- 給 愛上網 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/11/2011 postreply 12:18:45
