回複:回複:See answer to smile face on this page

回答: 回複:See answer to smile face on this pagezuku2011-09-01 09:10:36

The experience won't be counted without payroll. Nobody checks your employment history by phone call. Phone call is just reference check, which serves different purpose.

You can go ahead and put your nonpayment job on you resume. Once they give background check form, don't fill in nonpayment part. HR usually does not compare it with your resume, while interviewer never read your background check form. If HR finds difference, tell them it is non-paid job, but technically it can tell how good your skill is. That's why you listed it on you resume.

If you put unpaid job oh the check form but the result is non, you will be in trouble.


回複:回複:回複:See answer to smile face on this page -zuku- 給 zuku 發送悄悄話 (14 bytes) () 09/02/2011 postreply 13:48:37
