我想產生一個審計報告, 前一天那些SQL Agent job 被修改, 創建那些新的job, 那些job被刪除
要求如下:A daily audit report listing job additions, deletes and modifies that
occurred in the previous day.
- The report must cover the changes, when available, to the job definitions,
steps and schedules.
- The report should list:
- job name
- change action (add,del,mod)
- change scope: job, job step, job schedule
- change date
- count of total # of jobs and # of jobs that did not change.
我上一開始想用SQl 2008 Audit , audit 結果到application log, 但是隻能看,不能聲稱報表。餓好像不知從 那下手,不知各位有什麽建議。謝謝