Nosy ex-boss

How to keep a good relationship with her?  It's tough.....

She loves to tell me what is going on in the company--she thinks so and so are having an affair, so and so are browning nosing and she loves to talk negative about one of my ex-coworker who I still keep in touch with. She can talk about him for hours. I think it's out of jealousy cuz that guy is pretty smart.Honestly, I really do not care what is happening in the company.

One of the reasons I left that company was because of her behavior.  When I was there, I sometimes came in late, so I stayed a bit late to make up the hours.  She started to gossip or asked me personal questions, I had to leave my seat and walked away....Then she gave me more work to do.

She also loves to ask me personal questions.  I like to contact her via email, so I don't have to answer all her questions. She asked me to talk on the phone with her a few times, I either did not  return her call or told her I was busy and could not speak on the phone.  

Because of the future reference, I would like to have a good relationship with her but it's quite impossible to do so........  

Sorry...I cannot input chinese.  






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