公司在六月中賣掉給一個投資公司, 現在還沒有close deal. 很快吧, 就這兩個星期. 早上CEO 召集大家開了個小會, 告訴大家 seller 要建立新公司, 所以要給大家重新發一份 offer letter, 要大家簽名上交, 這信裏有這麽幾句話:
It is important that you recognize that upon the start of your service with the Buyer your employment with the Seller ends, and you will enter a new employment relationship with the Buyer. By accepting our offer of employment, you are voluntarily resigning from your employment with the Seller effective on the Closing date. You acknowledge that your employment with the Company is separate and distinct from your employment with the Seller.
大家看看這裏有什麽貓膩嗎? 會不會簽字後對方收回 offer letter, 或者在很短的時間內被辭退? 我就直接失業, 連 layoff package 也沒得拿?
大家有沒有碰過這種情況? 給說說?