TEAM MEETING,how to prepare?

下周一年一度的team meeting,VP也從外地過來參加,manager讓Please come prepared with 5 goals for the next 12 months.



1. improve free throw to 50% -屋漏痕- 給 屋漏痕 發送悄悄話 屋漏痕 的博客首頁 (170 bytes) () 07/20/2011 postreply 10:00:05

回複:TEAM MEETING,how to prepare? -朱珠兒- 給 朱珠兒 發送悄悄話 (79 bytes) () 07/20/2011 postreply 10:00:51

?? i am not team lead, how do you get conclusion" I am a team le -franktang- 給 franktang 發送悄悄話 franktang 的博客首頁 (80 bytes) () 07/20/2011 postreply 10:16:05

So, your VP will be in the meeting -朱珠兒- 給 朱珠兒 發送悄悄話 (244 bytes) () 07/20/2011 postreply 10:22:09
