-- 異地找工聽瑪瑞,瑪瑞經驗不胡說.

回答: 如何找另外一個城市的工作?回國找工作2011-07-17 11:50:57

目前在一個城市工作,工作很好,也很輕鬆,錢也不少,可是不喜歡這個城市的氣候,冬天太冷,想換到另外一個城市(溫哥華), 可是 找大半年的工作, 也沒找到。 發完簡曆,倒是經常收到電話麵試,也有的叫我去麵試, 可是我問能不能提供麵試的機票, 就沒音? 真不知道怎麽辦, 是不是 辭職過去找?很矛盾,大家有什麽指教的?

-- Good to know you have a job which gives you nice life style except the cold wheather.

-- Good to know you have makrtable resume and job skill which absorbe many eye balls.

-- You may try to suggest them use webcam for web conference to do the job interview, this will save $$ and time for both you and the prospect companies.

-- Please do NOT quit your current job for job searching. Quit a job is very easy, but get one is NOT.

-- 異地找工聽瑪瑞,瑪瑞經驗不胡說.


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