base salary - 隻比現在的高了11%, 比SALARY.COM上的range最低值還低著4000刀
-- 11% increase, better than 10%!
vacation - 隻給2星期,要等5年之後才3星期。我現在的3星期就是熬了5年熬到的。想
-- It depends, you will have three weeks after 5 years.
-- If you do not take vacation (like me), so it really doesn't matter.
work from home - 沒有。現在的雖然沒固定時間,但隨時有事情像看醫生,或者冬天大雪天,
-- After you work in there, all the big company will allow you stary in home if you
有事情像看醫生,或者冬天大雪天,Therefore, this is no big difference on this one.
signing bonus - 沒有
-- 這個最近一般都沒有.So, not a big deal.
benefit - 新公司是航空公司,可以免費飛,國際航班也免費,這點我很喜歡。可是少
-- 可以免費飛,國際航班也免費, Sounds very good.
-- In reality, there may not be seats for you in that flight and that specific time.
-- Therefore, the fact willbe: You pack your luggage Friday evening, go to the termial, take whatever flight which have a extra seat available for you and your him. 在這之前的那一刻,你並不知道你周六將在哪個城市渡過.
-- If this kind of the travel style is what you like, that will be a big advantage, otherwise, you know it.
-- How do I knew this? I worked in America Airline...
commute - 新公司能幫我每天節省1小時的路上時間。可是我現在每天工作7.5小時,如果新公司要求8小時工作的話,那省出來的路上時間一半又要搭到工作上。
-- Save 1 hour per day is a big gain. Less spend on gas, less mile age on car.
-- As long you like the company, this will be a anvantage.
現在公司的好處 - 老板人很好,很罩著我;工作比較清閑。不好處就是發展空間不大,每
-- 每天在路上時間比較多,很累。I understood. 我也累過.
昨天發了negotiation letter,今天他們的director就給我打電話,說offer發了,就不
覺得這offer有點雞肋,可free flight的benefit又很誘人。大家給說說看,到底值不
-- 11% $$ increase, save 1 hour commute per day, fly to any city for free (when you are young),and big company, this sounds good.