本人ACCOUNTING 三年,AP /AR, 賺錢少乏味沒有發展前途,想轉行,有兩個想法,第一DBA , 問老土大哥和各位大俠,學一年找到DBA工作可行嗎?(有廣告是這麽說的,還保找工作,但是IS IT TOO GOOD TO BE TURE?),還是DATA ANALYST?它的市場需求大嗎?我無CS背景,學的是經濟和會計,第二,學大公司的ERP會不會對前途好些呢?學ORACLE 還是SAP好?ERP去哪裏學比較好?所以也 請教豬啊豬,LILY等ACCOUNTING大牛,謝謝了。
-- Accounting and Database Skills are being used everywhere;
-- Accounting job earn less than Database job in average;
-- Account job need a degree to enter, database job is more flexable, not necessarily need a special degree.
-- Since you already have Accounting skill, enlarge it, gain some database skill, make yourself with Accounting + Database, this is a good direction to go;
-- Not suggest any Accounting people directly go to DBA job, reason:
1) There are less DBA job openings than Analyst jobs, even there is an DBA job openning, company usually will not give their database to a fresh new people who has NO database experience previously;
2) Accounting people using Database Reports a lot, transfer to Database Analyst/Business Analyst is a natural move, relatively easy;
-- Therefore, even I offer excellent DBA classes, (the knowledge of DBA will benefit all other database jobs), I do not suggest you directly target DBA job at this stage, it is a hard way to go.
-- There is NO such thing as "保找工作" in USA.
-- Conclusion:
There is NO such thing as "保找工作" in USA.
Start from a Database Analyst job, gain the knowledge, then move up when you get some idea.
By the way, Database Analyst offers same salary level As DBA jobs.
Dr. Xin get Database Analyst job in May, she got 六位數工資 in a large utility company. She would not get this position if she didn't pickup the skills.
Email me if you have more questions.