重組風波 (五)



Him:"When I form a team, I only want A players to be my direct reports, especially if that person is to be promoted from the level below. I looked at your past ratings, over the last 5 years, you've always been a solid player, a strong contributor, but never shined as the cream of the crop."

(my heart sank...not sure what to say...)

Not waiting for me to answer, he continued in a steady voice:

"Now, I understand that the Corporate ratings don't mean everything, and the management culture here could be frustrating at times. But if people are strong, smart and motivated enough, they can usually find ways to turn things around and change their situation, in or outside of that environment.

"If you're as good as you said you are, then over a period of 10 years, you should have found your chance to strive to the top on any job you take. But you didn't. You stayed in this business, taking some lateral moves recently, and seem satisfied with not being the best. Then why should I promote you now?"

At this point I knew that I've hit the rock bottom and had nothing to lose. I quickly collected my thoughts, and said:

"I'm glad you asked me that, because I've been asking myself the same for a while. Yes, my past performance rating was not as good as I wish, and I'm most certainly not satisfied with it, because I know that I have a lot more to offer. But I don't think the past performance is an exact match of my capacity and certainly not a good indication of my potential. Why? because I haven't found the right place yet, career-wise. I was still exploring and trying to figure out what I do best, meanwhile trying to learn as much as I can from every opportunity I had.

"People may not perceive me as the bright shining go-getter, because for the last few years I've been flying under the radar and waiting for the right job to surface. This new role is something I've been waiting for, and I want to have a chance to prove myself, I feel that I can do it well."

Him(slightly intrigued): "So for 10 years you still haven't found your place? Either you are very patient, or your mind was on something else. Look, you impressed me so far as a bright, determined person, and I can tell there is more to it. Why did you fly under the radar? Can you elaborate on it, please?"

Me: "Now if you really want an honest answer, I'd have to get a little personal.

"Why did I stay in XXX for so long? Because I didn't get my green card until this year.

A few years into their career when most of my peers were switching jobs to take to the next level, I couldn't because I was under visa and my green card was in process.

I couldn't switch to a different company, not even to a different business unit within the same company; I couldn't move out of state, couldn't even travel internatinally for business without filling out tons of paperwork; Even though I know XX was not my strength, I couldn't move into a different job category. Yet I had to keep employment with XXX company to maintain my immigration status in this country. So my choices are very limited, much more limited than others.

It may not sound like a big achievement to you, but I still managed to get 3 promotions, and 2 lateral moves over the last 10 years.

I motivated myself to deliver solid results day in and day out, even though at times I think my job is pointless and I felt that I lived in the limbo waiting for the freedom to change. So overall, I don't think I've done poorly, given my situation."


