發信人: USMedEdu (US_CMGs), 信區: MedicalCareer
標 題: Letters from two old CMs
發信站: BBS (Mon Mar 14 23:38:55 2011, 美東)
發信人: Rockstone00 (石頭), 信區: Pre_Resident_Club
標 題: 麥地老農
發信站: BBS (Mon Mar 14 22:50:58 2011, 美東)
※ 來源:·WWW 海外: .com 中國: .cn·[FROM: 129.137.]
發信人: chipmunk (花栗鼠), 信區: Pre_Resident_Club
標 題: Re: 麥地老農
發信站: BBS (Mon Mar 14 23:16:28 2011, 美東)
【 在 Rockstone00 (石頭) 的大作中提到: 】
: 相信老刀今天聽到的歌功頌德如潮水般的洶湧,我本來無須再
※ 來源:·WWW 海外: .com 中國: .cn·[FROM: 74.74.]
發信人: USMedEdu (US_CMGs), 信區: Pre_Resident_Club
標 題: Re: 麥地老農
發信站: BBS (Mon Mar 14 23:20:15 2011, 美東)
Hi Dok,
Please feel free to cite my any post. I am kind of shy person and normally
don’t post but those people are really bad, and the intention is so
obvious: just ruin this web and wasting time and
I happened to find this website last month and the first and the most
impressive post I read is your post regarding to help CMG. I was very
happy to know you and you are the 良師益友1生難求. I still remember
several CMGs who I met are so coldish and discouraging me. Obviously
decisions are always made by ourselves, but we all have weak moments and we
all need sorts of help. Sometimes one simple honest opinion can help us to
avoid彎路.It is miracle and it happens.
I am so happy I can find you and the other nice people here. The new
technology breaks the demographic barriers. We all come here to share and
encourage each other. Dok, please continue to do whatever you have done. Any
mature and normal EQ people will understand your苦心. Though we are in the
silent seats, we all support you and do our best to contribute here.
Thank you for your countless help. I am proud of you as a Chinese!
※ 修改:·USMedEdu 於 Mar 14 23:22:53 2011 修改本文·[FROM: 24.78.]
※ 來源:·WWW 海外: .com 中國: .cn·[FROM: 24.78.]